International Game-Competition "British Bulldog" in English » КГУ «Лицей № 178» Управления образования города Алматы
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International Game-Competition "British Bulldog" in English

Congratulations! Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" on the 28th and 31st of December in 2020, held an International Game-Competition "British Bulldog" in English. The purpose of the competition is to develop students' interest in the English language and to allow participants to assess their knowledge. Pupils of the 3rd and 11th grade from educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the British Bulldog competition. Of course,  pupils from our lyceum № 178 showed their fluency in English through their great achievements 
and took an active part in the international game-competition "British Bulldog" and won I, II, III prizes with certificates of participants. Do the best!

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